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  • Vista Inventory

Landlord inventories and deposit disputes

Having a detailed landlord inventory (including check-in and check-out reports) will provide sufficient evidence during your dispute and help you to make a successful claim against the tenant’s deposit.

In England and Wales, under the government-backed Tenancy Deposit Protection (TDP) scheme rules, a tenant’s deposit must be registered with a deposit protection scheme and should be returned to them at the end of the tenancy as long as they:

- Meet the terms of their tenancy agreement

- Do not cause any damage to the property or take items from the property

- Pay the rent and bills

At the end of tenancy, the full or agreed amount of deposit must be returned to the tenant within 10 days of settling on the agreement. If there is a dispute with your tenants, the deposit is protected in the scheme until the issue is settled and an agreement is made.

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